Insights from My Journal
The Veil of Tranquility: Which Reality Is Real?
Why do we accept chaos and turbulence as reality but peace and groundedness is an illusion?
Navigating the New Leadership Paradigm: Meeting the Next Generation Where They Are
Navigating the New Leadership Paradigm: Meeting the Next Generation Where They Are
6 questions to ask at the midpoint of your career
Good considerations from Rebecca Knight in HBR. In a perfect world, and I witness this happening more and more with Millennials and Gen Zs, we would ask these questions at the start our careers. That might save decades of anxiety and frustration. Of course, it is never too late to examine a career and decide if we’re living our real purpose, with meaning, while investing our talents & gifts to serve a greater good, our family, company and community. The good news is, these questions are no longer viewed as “taboo” or “soft” (at least by most) and realigning and reinventing are now celebrated as an enhanced experience to broaden skills and perspective vs. being viewed as a detriment.
Top 10 characteristics of Admired People
Forbes had this list of most “admired” characteristics of people.