Top 10 characteristics of Admired People
Top 10 characteristics of Admired people
1. Humility
2. Curiosity (ability to learn)
3. Integrity
4. Responsibility
5. Perseverance (resilience)
6. Compassion for others
7. Respect of others
8. Big Vision
9. Inspire others
10. Reinvent themselves
Forbes had this list of most admired characteristics of people and it struck me that our “leaders” in business, and without question, politics, don’t act in ways that, apparently, people say they admire most. It makes me wonder, “why do we work for or with people?” and “why do we elect public servants?” that don’t measure up to the characteristics and qualities that we - again, apparently - most admire? Sometimes we don’t “walk the talk” and that disconnect from authenticity usually causes issues over time.
Side thought…maybe the concept of “quiet quitting”, even if unconscious for many people, has some foundation in these 10 characteristics. Something to consider.